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Why are Thai women so different from Western women

Thai Girls

Today I will be talking about a very peculiar topic, and that is why Thai women are so different from Western women. Generally, men from the West tend to say that Thai women are different in behavior and attitude compared to women in the West. However, the question of many is why does this happen?


Well, one of the things that most influences this is the way in which women are educated in Thailand.

From girls to women they are taught the respect they should have for their partners, the elderly and especially their parents. They also teach them to respect and nurture family well-being in a great way.

We can see that Buddhist philosophy teaches these women to seek harmony instead of confrontation. For them, it is very important to be part of the community, do not take into account the fact of being an independent person, which means helping other people, and in turn take care of the couple.

This is very important for each of the Thai women; usually they are attentive to meet the needs and feelings of other people, especially their men.

Meanwhile in the Western Hemisphere, women are taught to be independent and think for themselves. Their parents educate them in another way. Starting from the last 20 – 30 years, we have been able to observe the increase of education to the women of the West; this makes them very different from the Thai girls.

Girls in Thailand
Girls in Thailand

Western women are driven to be independent, to which they have to fend for themselves and to fight for their ideals and objectives, which in turn has produced endless advantages. Although there are moments when it seems that the balance has been lost, all this has generated a great controversy because now we can find more open, competitive and masculine women (WTF).

We can find beautiful and excellent Western women, since they have lost their touch of femininity, which does not awaken the desire of men. You can see women with the appearance of being firefighters or women who compete openly for those who drink more beers in a bar (They are insane men!).

You can see women forming gangs in the streets and there are also girls who behave more and more masculine, while they harass people in many ways. Although the cases we mentioned may sound extreme, these cases with the passing of days are constantly increasing.

All this has resulted in men from the Western Hemisphere away from these women, who are too aggressive and temperamental, looking for attractive couples with different tastes.

However, Thai women are educated to be respectful and understanding with their partners and that they should give support in everything. This does not mean that Thai women should be submissive.

However, it is very difficult to find a woman of these being the head of the household. Commonly we can find them bringing everything to the home, finances, children, and husband and all those things belonging to the house, the only thing these women expect is that the husband is able to maintain the harmony of the home.

Girls in Thailand
Girls in Thailand

This is a clear delimitation of the roles within the home, which facilitates a lasting, predictable, easy, and clear relationship, harmony and peace within the home.

The most obvious difference between Thai women and Westerners is that women do not often compete with their husbands with a relationship to various aspects of life, while they are in public, these women would never be able to embarrass or challenge their man. These are the kind of women prefer to talk privately if something bothers them.

Many of the Thai women have observed very closely the struggle that their mothers have had to be able to raise all their children and this without the help of any electronic device, so they do not see household chores as something relevant.

However, the reason why men in the West look for Thai women is that they see sexuality as very important. The Thais are very complacent and ardent, they like the exclusive and they give everything for the couple.


These women are usually very submissive. Since they are just little girls, they have been guided to this, which is good, because this diminishes the probabilities of divorce. Actually being in a relationship with one of these women is a fantastic experience, due to the peace and harmony that you can have while being with them, not to mention that these women are very beautiful in terms of their physique and tendency towards pleasure.

Bounded to this, we have that Thai women are generally complacent in the sexual field; they are willing to fulfill all your fantasies, which for many men is fantastic because it is what they are looking for when visiting the country. Even, there are already businesses where men go to Thailand to bring a wife.

Limited to all this we can find other reasons why men in the West prefer more every day to Thais.

To contact them, you will need a little help. This is how a system everything must be systematically; we can find many differences between Thai women and Western women. That is why maintaining calm and being cautious is a very important factor in order to maintain a stable relationship with some of the women of this country to perfection.

In following articles, we will talk about that business that makes older men and wealthy singles, go to Thailand to find nice and complacent girls to have a life of luxury. We will talk about prices and conditions of this type of business. See you soon guys.

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