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Take your Thai girl now!

Thai Girls

In these brief lines, we will be telling you about a very strange but effective business that occurs in Thailand. Try the perfect mix between pleasure and social help to the world. A very “profitable” business has been able to attract all kinds of men from all over the world.

These men from the West are mostly in retirement and in a certain way, seek to end their life with a woman who is consistent with their requests. In this case, the men are taken to the Farang (which are the bars and nightclubs in Thailand, especially those in Bangkok and Pattaya.) There, the men walk with their girls and all this; it is thanks to a kind of exchange that it is given through a negotiation.

But that is not the strangest thing, there is a street called the street of the foreign son-in-law of Udon Thani, city of the poor region of Isaan, almost 500 kilometers northeast of Bangkok and the big tourist centers of the country. This location concentrates the girls who are from very poor regions to “hunt” rich men and who can get them out of poverty. Nevertheless, many of these men know these women and when they like one, this is what happens:

They pose them as their women: in this case, an agreement is made where the girl is committed to the person and takes them to meet the family. In addition, they talk about a deal to support their family and the man can take it away but first one must move close to the family as an act “in good faith”.

The requests are simple: The Thai girl must offer her man everything he needs to be happy: good food, service and sex. In addition, you should not complain about anything. “When girls are virgins, the chances of the demands of the family increasing are many.

Isaan Girl
Isaan Girl

But, let’s go to the point. This has become a big business and many people take advantage to open any kind of business related to dating. This business is growing a lot. There is a village that is about 4 hours from Bangkok that has 154,000 inhabitants and there are more than 8,000 mixed couples, made up of Thai girls and men from the West. There are even Thai dating websites that highlight the motivations of Westerners to seek relationships with local women.

In which is one of the most famous pages to make appointments where they explain that many foreigners are older, divorced or simply rejected men in their society and they are looking for traditional relationships with Thais. Nevertheless, the phenomenon is not a consequence of the new information society. It goes back to the National Plans of Economic and Social Development of the sixties that developed the country (WTF), remembering those appointments between the Thai girls and the Marines of the American base established in Udon Thani during the Vietnam War.

The impact has been so positive that when men in the West are asked about their girls, they say: Here women take great care of men, they bring you food and everything you need. Unlike the European ones.

On the website, a client explains that he arrived in Thailand a decade ago and started dating a 20-year-old local until he met his current wife, Busabar Thakhamnang, 47. He says that Isaan has developed a lot in all these years and it is perhaps, thanks to this business.

Currently there are four daily flights to Isaan, something unthinkable before. Mixed couples generate a lot of money in the region. “This is possible, because when so many men come to look for a good sex or also, looking for the ideal girl with whom to spend the rest of their life, they bring a lot of money and well, they need in what to spend it. So that they have an idea of ​​this business, in Isaan, the interracial relations suppose an injection of 8,666 million baht (223 million euros) in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the region and the consequent creation of 747,094 jobs.

Nevertheless, the craziest thing about this matter is that under the striking economic figures there are still many social problems. Many Westerners look for Isaan women for their traditional values ​​and beauty, an exotic combination of Asian features and dark skin.

Bars in Pattaya
Bars in Pattaya

However, from a business point of view, Thai girls need financial security. The fact that most couples arise for economic reasons reflects the failure of the Thai government’s income distribution policies. However, that coincides with that policy that we had talked about that had been taken since the times of the Vietnam War. Therefore, this business has flourished a lot and has taken responsibility from the government of that country. (Amazing huh?)

For many young people of Isaan, the only way to escape extreme poverty, is to enter the business of euphemistically called entertainment services for tourists (especially those of Pattaya, by the way, I love Pattaya). In these bars in Bangkok, Pattaya or Phuket, the Thai girls work as waiters while charging for a few hours of privacy with Westerners; some of which will be your future partners. In other words, this business works both in the “Son-in-Law Street” and in the bars of Pattaya or Phuket.

For many men, this is not a business, it is a lifestyle similar to that of a king, since they choose the girl and she gives them from the sincere affection of a woman for a man, to the wildest or exotic sex that can have the good thing about this is that there are all kinds of tastes. Even, many men have married their Thai girl and have formed great families.

But within all this there is an interesting fact: Almost 80% of girls who enter the world of prostitution do so because of the failure of life as a couple. Thais do not want to be with women separated by the stigma of virginity and the burden of the children of previous relationships (WTF men! They are super-hot! Whats going on?). Nevertheless, Westerners do not have that problem. “The sociologist thinks that it is no accident that male tourism in Thailand double the female.

So, if you have the opportunity to go to Thailand, you can plan your retreat with one of these girls and I’ll just tell you: Take your Thai girl now!

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