Best Pattaya Bars

Do you like Pattaya Girls?

Thailand is one of the many options to visit when travelling. The city has many beaches, nearby islands, incredible shopping, and incredible food. One of the reasons that Pattaya is so popular is because of its nightlife and pattaya girls. Why? Because it is famous world-wide. You can’t even name Pattaya city without thinking immediately of Walking Street and the bright lights of neon signs for all the clubs, discos, bars, massage parlours and other kinds of nocturnal entertainment.

Fun, drinks and pattaya girls

It is 1 mile of madness in South Pattaya assaulting all your senses, the feel of the racing heart of the nightlife on the entire seaboard of Thailand. There is more to nightlife in Pattaya than just Walking Street. Other nightlife hubs exist, each with a different vibe and different kind of attraction. Second Road is home to 2 of the many cabaret shows that you can find. There is a street for any kind of nightlife style in Pattaya.

Pattya Nightlife is like no other. This city is filled with available Pattaya girls in a never ending variety of bars, GoGo’s and nightclubs. Only a 2 hour ride on bus from Bangkok, Pattaya is a convenient destination after landing in Bangkok. If you like a Pattaya girl and you want to take her outside or out of the bar, you will have to pay a bar fine which will compensate the bar for missing out on any earnings for drinks that are sold by that particular girl. This does not include anything that comes after, it is only the amount that you will pay just for the right to take her outside.

Bar Girls in Pattaya

Drinks that are bought for female bar staff are known as “lady drinks”. After a bar girl has given as introductory lines of “what’s your name” or “where do you come from”, you can make some small talk.  After this ice breaking ceremony takes place you might ask the girl if she wants to join you for a drink.

Over 50,000 Pattaya girls are available any given night.  You will find exotic and friendly beauties everywhere you look. There isn’t any other city in the world that has such a high percentage of good looking and yet available young women. Walking Street is a good place to start, there, you can pick from dozens of bars. In each of those establishments you will be able to have your pick of Pattaya girls.

The price of Pattaya girls will depend on the bar fine and also on how good looking the girl is and other variables.  One thing you must remember when dealing with Pattaya bar girls,  is that whether it is for short time or long time  it is equally a “bar transaction”.

Pattaya is considered a very fun town, and by and large the bar girls there are also are fun girls too. The whole process of meeting Pattaya girls and paying for them is a sort of ritualistic but fun process and this process starts just minutes after you enter any bar.

When you pay the bar fine (for the right to take girls out of the bar) she will normally receive nothing of that or in some cases a small share. Maybe like 100 or 200 Baht. These bar fines are the major source of income for Pattaya bars and beer bars in Thailand.

Remember that you may have to talk with the girl about how much she wants for short time or long time. Advice: Do it inside the bar, this way she will (normally) tell you a standard price because it might be more expensive if you ask her after you have undressed her in your room. You might even be lucky sometimes and if you just buy her some noodles and have sex with her for free.

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